Twilight sensors, also known as dusk-to-dawn sensors, are the ideal solution for your garden lighting. By equipping your outdoor lamp with a dusk-to-dawn light sensor or a dusk and dawn sensor, it will automatically provide sufficient illumination for your garden as soon as it gets dark. These sensors, including the dusk till dawn light sensor and dawn till dusk light sensor, will turn the lamp on and off based on whether the ambient light falls below the preset Lux level.
Lightexpert offers a range of options, from basic daylight sensors to more advanced dusk to dawn sensors with PIR sensors. We also provide dusk till dawn LED lights, which include the dusk to dawn light with PIR sensor for enhanced functionality. For those seeking flexibility, our range includes models with timers, such as the dusk till dawn sensor with a timer, which allows you to set the garden lighting to automatically turn off at a specific time, even after dark.
All of our dusk sensors and day night sensors for outdoor lights are at least splash-proof, ensuring safe and reliable operation in outdoor conditions.
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